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Wild Woman Weekly Transmission of Love
Here’s wild channeling that came with this week’s Wild Woman Weekly Transmission. Each week I facilitate the flow of this energy from Wild Woman to support the women working with me privately on their wild woman journey to heal and grow their personal relationship with her. Last night I could feel this bright powerful flow…
6-19-15 In this moment, all of life is…
Here’s my wild channeling of the day from Wild Woman and beyond. I got a drawing and message from Wild Woman and afterwards deeper message from “all that is in form and formless” Hope you enjoy it….and surrender to the flow of life. <3 (scroll down for second message) You are the temple of nature…
6-12-15 Let your love shine
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6-20-15 Happy Solstice! Soak in love…..
Happy Solstice and Happy Summer, I sat on my balcony this morning to welcome summer…even though the sun wasn’t shining. The sun is here in my channelled drawing and message from Wild Woman. Celebrate today by inviting the light of the sun in to bless every cell in your body. Be Wild <3 Kiana Awake….
6-13-15 Just be in today
Good morning! Wishing you a day filled with rich moments. Here’s your wild channeling of the day from my morning practice with Wild Woman. <3 Kiana Just be in today Take the next step See, hear, touch, taste, smell Breathe, feel, be In this moment Let yourself live Here and now Feel the richness…
5-30-15 Lay Down Your Burdens
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