Live from India: Monday 18th June, 8.45 – 9.15pm EDT

Join me in India from the comfort of your home this coming Monday night for some Wild Woman Heart Healing Energy.

I’m sharing this to help us heal from the collective grief of people passing and awaken to the joy of living. This is for you if you have been affected by celebrities and or loved ones passing. Whether recent or way in the past, grief can powerfully affect us today. This is for you if you or someone you love suffers from grief, depression or anxiety. And this is for you if you’d like to open your heart to feel the joy of life and share it with others.

This is a gift from the Divine Feminine to you. We will start together with a live-stream to ground, relax and connect you with her healing energy. Then receive the relaxing transmission at distance for 30 minutes.

** Join me for a Facebook Live-stream on the Be Wild Woman page. Click here to like the page and receive notification when it starts **

Here is more about this transmission and how it can help you.

Wild woman, Nature herself, invites you to partner with her for this weekly healing transmission to come home to your body and realign with Nature. She offers you the healing energy of nature to support,root ,nurture and empower you. This enhances and brings balance to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.

As you tune in to your body, you will connect to the energy she sends you. She invites you to root with her and feel her as Mother Earth holding you. She invites you to rest and unfold in her care like a baby in the womb. Notice what you are aware of experiencing, Sink down into her embrace. Listen through your senses as nature heals and speaks through you.

I facilitate and channel this powerful healing transmission from Wild Woman every week to help the women are enrolled in the Wild Woman Home in Your Body Program heal and awaken with Nature.

She, Wild Woman, asked me to share this energy weekly with them as well as healing clients and my family. It has been helping them and me to sleep, gain clarity, ease pain, relieve stress and connect more deeply and personally with Wild Woman the intuitive feminine, wild sacred energy of Nature.

This transmission is so powerful that I make sure to clear my Monday evening and be at home to receive and transmit it to you and then go to sleep. My whole body feels relaxed and energized at the same time. It takes me out of my thinking, stressing mind altogether, and often off of feet to sit or lay down as I feel the energy move through me.

This week she’s asking me to share this transmission with you. She wants you, all women and all beings on the planet to experience the joy of being wild. This means experiencing the miracle of life, freedom from judgement and fear, awakening to love, freeing your voice and feeling alive and at home in your body.

She’s asked me to extend the invitation to everyone to receive at distance and to start with a Lovestream to ground, relax and connect you with her healing energy.

This transmission is free and you are welcome to donate and support Be Wild Woman’s scholarship fund for survivors of trauma to receive Wild Woman Healing.

** Join me for a Facebook Live-stream on the Be Wild Woman page. Click here to like the page and receive notification when it starts **