Whoohoo Awesome Couple Weekend! [fuzzy class picture]
So grateful that our struggle as a couple, has turned into healing balm, hope & laughter for other couples. My husband, Billy & I just led a wonderful Couples Start Loving Journey, weekend where we got to share our experience & the tools that helped us to stop screaming & start loving. Here is a picture of the radiant couples at the end of the weekend, filled with hope & excitement. Even with my fuzzy phone picture the joy comes through clearly.
My friend & colleague, spirited living coach & minister Deborah Roth, who has been a tremendous support through our struggles, said ” Way to turn lemons into lemonade.”
If you would have told me a couple of years ago that my husband and I with our on the rocks relationship would be empowering couples to start loving I would have thought you were crazy. There is definitely gold under the pain and the struggle. We harvest the joy when we are willing to be present and compassionate with ourselves & accept that we have no control over people, places or things. Who knew that letting go & surrendering to love would feel so wonderful.
So happy to say we’re available for private couple sessions & ceremonies. Feel free to drop us a line with any questions, thoughts, or to set up a session for you and your partner.
Stay tuned for more Start Loving offerings coming soon!