Monthly Wild Abundance Brunch & Worldwide Womb Blessing:   Aug 29th,

Monthly Wild Abundance Brunch & Worldwide Womb Blessing: Aug 29th,

Ready to manifest the abundance of nature in your life? Want to join forces and empower women? Claim your feminine power and surrender to your abundance. **Join us for a special Worldwide Womb Blessing to awaken the divine feminine in you together with thousands of women around the globe. **must also sign up for distance…

Shine Just Because.

Here’s a message via words and art that came through this morning in my morning Wild Woman practice.  It was just what I needed to here to ease the part of me that thinks I need to get things done and right before allowing myself to shine.  This reminds me to see, feel and express…

Love Liberates: Why My Body is My Sweet Land of Liberty

Happy 4th of July! Today we celebrate freedom and the land of America. Traditionally we consider the hard-fought battles and the revolution to win our freedom and give thanks for the blessings of this land. Its time for a new revolution to unite the feminine and masculine and celebrate the most powerful freedom of all—LOVE….