Dwell Within : Wild Woman Message 9-7-15
Dwell within and you will find us here. We are within you. All.you seek is here within.
9-7-15 My daily message from Wild Woman
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Dwell within and you will find us here. We are within you. All.you seek is here within.
9-7-15 My daily message from Wild Woman
Good morning! Wishing you a day filled with rich moments. Here’s your wild channeling of the day from my morning practice with Wild Woman. <3 Kiana Just be in today Take the next step See, hear, touch, taste, smell Breathe, feel, be In this moment Let yourself live Here and now Feel the richness…
wild woman channeling of the day.
Day #3 of sharing my morning wild woman channeled drawing with you. Letting it flow…..enjoy.
Lay down your burdens and rest, as you rest you grow….. -Wild Woman Channeling of the day Kiana Love
Good Morning! I’m on my way to howl with the wolves at the NY Wolves Preservation Center today. Here is your wild channeling of the day from Wild Woman.
on wings of love, I dance this morning. I dance in the tidal wave of love. I invite the light to shine and dance in the torrential rain. I surrender to love…..and I’m off to Morning Gloryville. Today I’m celebrating the birth of this day, the one year anniversary of Morning Gloryville’s morning dance party…