The “natural makeup” look…NOT! Amy Schumer parody gets it right

Don’t let the “natural” look oppress you.  This parody  “Girl You Don’t Need Makeup  from Amy Schumer gets it right.   The natural you is not in the products or clothes you buy. It’s under the concealer, powder, blush, perfect curls, blow out, perfect smile. Can you look in the mirror and love her? Makeup can be fun to play with but its not fun if its a mask we have to hide under so that people will like us.

Thanks Chloe Angyal for writing your I Can’t Stop Dancing to Amy Schumer’s One Direction Parody.   Yes it’s sticking in my head too.

Here are a few exercises you can try. Start with clean, moisturized face and hands.

1. Sit or lie down on your back in a comfortable position. Bring your hands close in front of your face. Notice if you can feel the warmth of your hands next to your face. Starting at the top explore the landscape of your face with your fingertips. Take a breath in each place you touch. On the inhale, touch and breathe in love. On the exhale release your fingers and any judgements you’ve internalized. Start by gently bring your fingertips to the top of your face, touch your skin lightly. Notice how it feels to touch your skin and how it feels as your face to be touched.

2. look in the mirror at your reflection as if you had never seen this being before. Gaze into her eyes. Say loving things to her. Notice what you like about her.

3. take a selfie and a picture of a tree. Arrange these two pictures of nature together as a celebration of nature. I.e put on your altar, make a beauty of nature board, frame and decorate, make a collage. You can light a candle or put flowers here or write I love nature, or nature is beautiful on a card or on your board to go with it.

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