Finding Wild Freedom: Allowing all of me to be loved
This morning I sat with Wild Woman, the maiden, mother, and great mother, the undefinable fertile, creative, powerful mystery of the divine feminine.
I opened my heart, sat with my grief, my longing, my desire to serve and fears; fear of failure, not being perfect, not being enough, being judged. I listened, surrendered to my feelings, and words and tears poured forth.
I felt lovingly held and loved just as I am and free to share with you.
Here are the words that came. May they entice you to allow all of you to be loved that the wild divine. May shine through you and bless us all with love.
“Give it up to us. Drop it, at our feet, into our belly. Drop it all & surrender to your wild divinity. In your surrender, you are Goddess. Give us that grief in your chest, unknowingness, fear that you will fuck up, that you will be found wanting and unworthy of love, fear that you will not enter, let alone be cast out of Love’s garden.
Surrender and you will find that Love’s garden blooms within you. Your very breath, your tears, your longing are blossoms in your garden; they are shiny jewels of the wild divine, revealed when you surrender to their beauty. Surrender your expectations; your limited vision of what love looks & feels like. Surrender what is and you will find such beauty, such profound joy beyond your imagination or comprehension. Set yourself free. Stop holding tightly to your preconceptions to please others, to being seen, to being perfect.
Let go of being less than the manifest Wild Woman that you are. Surrender all to be loved. Set free your desires, your fears, your longing, your anger, shame, guilt, despair, your hopes, Surrender to Love’s wild embrace and let freedom ring. I Wild Woman, God/Goddess have spoken”
I’m feeling the tenderness of my heart and the courage to share with you my truth and the love that pours through my heart.
Happy fourth of July wild ones. Wishing you the freedom to love & be loved wildly!
Kiana Love