Wild Woman Abundance Brunch and Worldwide Womb Blessing

Ready to manifest the abundance of nature in your life? 
Claim your feminine power and surrender to your abundance.

**Join us for a special Worldwide Womb Blessing to awaken the divine feminine in you together with thousands of women around the globe.

**must also sign up for distance Worldwide Womb Blessing by Aug 28th see below

Sunday August 29th 12-230p
230 W 72nd st #2R
Cost $25 
 click here to register for live event in NYC  
I am heeding Wild Woman’s call to offer you a monthly gathering at Be Wild Woman to restore and celebrate the wild abundance of nature in women.

Join together to….

* Feel at home in your body

* Share your intentions and open to the flow of abundance that is inherent in nature: in the beauty of sunrise, in a field of flowers, in the leaves of a tree.

*Ask for what you want and open to receive it.

* Clear blocks, heal wounds around money, security, and worthiness to receive & create.

* Free yourself to receive nature’s bounty.

* Co-create and celebrate your wild abundant lives.

mother-earth-hi* Feel the support of a circle of sisters

* Laugh, network, dream and enjoy yummy food.
(bring something delicious and nourishing to share)

This is Be Wild Woman’s vision: to empower women to feel at home in their bodies, safe, nurtured, free to express themselves, and to realign with nature.

Bring your desires, intentions, dreams & visions to be blessed, manifested and celebrated!

This is for you if:
* You feel a sense of lack in your bank account, relationships, or quality of life.

* You make or have money but are still getting stressed out about it.

*You hold yourself back or feel unworthy of what you have or want in your life.

* You never have enough time or are late to things even if they are things you want to do.

* You deprive yourself of things experiences or relationships you desire.

* You’re always in a hurry and barely have time to breathe or relax, let alone have fun.

*You have dreams, visions or desires that seem to always be just out of your reach.

* You’re tired of living a life of scarcity and desire to feel luxurious, abundant and free.

*You are ready to live an abundant life now.

* You would like to join a powerful supportive tribe of wild women to manifest, network, and celebrate each other.


About Womb Blessing:
Receive a powerful worldwide womb blessing attunement channelled by healer Miranda Grey, founder of the Worldwide Womb Blessing and Moon Mothers around the world. Moon Mothers are healers certified and trained by Miranda to offer private womb healings and blessings. At the last blessing in July 2014 there were over 65,000 women from over 130 countries worldwide.

This blessing is available to all women whether they have a womb or not and whether they have a cycle or not. The Divine Feminine energy is for all of us. The only condition for the womb blessing is that young girls must have had their first Moontime ( menses) to receive the energy. Click here for video from Miranda on what is the womb blessing.
The distance womb blessing is free for women worldwide and these live NYC circles are by donation. The blessing is channelled through founder of the worldwide womb blessing Miranda Grey and Moon Mothers around the world.

Women please bring:
a shawl
two small bowls ( fireproof so you can burn a tea light candle in it)
an item to put on the altar to honor the divine feminine ( i.e. stone, statue, flowers,
something nourishing and delectable to eat or drink to share.
Please arrive on time.

***You must register to receive the distance healing, even if you’re coming to my live circle so Miranda has somewhere to send all the energy channeling through her and us Moon Mothers to you.
Click here to register for distance Worldwide Womb Blessing.
Registration closes 12n Friday August 28th.

About Kiana Love:
Moon Mother, Chakra teacher And Wild Woman healer Kiana is passionate about empowering women to reclaim and love their bodies. Her passion stems from her personal journey; recovery from trauma, healing from sexual violence, painful cycles, cysts, depression, and shame. Kiana draws from her personal healing journey, studies of the feminine, sacred sexuality, energy healing, nutrition, chakra healing, ayurveda and creativity to empower women to feel at home in their bodies, safe, nurtured and loved. She also offers private womb healing sessions and blessings for women to enhance and support your womb blessing attunement to support you before and after the blessing this Sunday. Womb healing sessions help clear blocks, integrate healing and restore the sacred balance of your cycle. 

Kiana Love, founder of Be Wild Woman, holds a B.S. in Behavioral Science from the University of Houston, and has certifications in somatic healing and holistic health. She is a Wild Woman Healer, Reiki Master, Integrated Energy Therapy Instructor, Vortex Healer, Holistic Health Counselor, Herbalist, Reflexologist, Interfaith Minister and Yoga Teacher.

About Be Wild Woman:
Be Wild Woman is a women’s healing center that empowers women to feel at home in their bodies, safe, nurtured and loved.
Be Wild Woman offers healing programs and community events that teach, support and inspire women to align with nature and reclaim their wild feminine power. We offer women healing tools and spiritual support to reclaim their innate, sacred, creativity, healing and power via the wild woman archetype.
We are located in New York City on the Upper West Side. Be Wild Woman was founded in 2006 by Wild Woman Healer, Kiana Love to create a safe space for women to be wild.

By wild we mean growing and living in your natural state, free to be you.

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