Your Pleasure Box…..Be Wild’s Arts and Crafts! Sunday May 21st
We will be crafting a box to hold our dearest pleasure treasures. This beautiful box can be home to the little pleasure toys and tools that are indespensable by your bedside. This could range from toys, to contracaptives, to lotions, potions, feathers, etc. This box can be playful, juicy, sexy, hot, and sacred. Gather pictures, fabrics, ribbons, and or any other materials you may want to use to decorate your box as well as a box that can fit by or under your bed.
Start to think about your intention for this box. Think about what you would like to invite into or evoke with your pleasure box. It may be that you want to bring, wildness, passion, depth, sensuality, sweetness, satisfaction, wholeness, play, heat, lightness, or more pleasure in. Write down any words, phrases, statements, poetry, or prose that comes to mind.
time: 2pm-6pm
location: fort greene brooklyn fulton & cumberland
cost: $10
please r.s.v.p. space limited
Please Bring:
decorative materials you have gathered ( box, decorative materials)
something to eat or drink to share (or $5)
an intention you have for your box ( if you can't think of one that's ok)