Retreat Yourself & give your body its proper R-E-S-P-E-C-T

[youtube] Ever wonder what the pain-in- your neck is about, and why you refer to so & so, as the pain in your neck?  Wonder why you can’t ever get rid of that knot in your shoulder or why they are soo tight.How about some ease and freedom to express yourself and dance; or…

Spring fever, being wild & fighting against Rush Limbaugh.

Ooh springtime and wildness.  Spring fever, wildness… unstoppable….and amazing!   The wild woman in you is exquisitely beautiful, like cherry blossoms. You are a unique creation, wildly perfect, just the way you are, not airbrushed or photo-shopped.  Your body’s sensations, your emotions, your imagination are all ways that wild woman shines through you. Wondering why its…