When: June 8th 3-5 pm
Where: Be Wild Woman 230 W 72nd st #2R NYC 10023 ( between Broadway & Amsterdam)
RSVP: send names & contact info to Scadiz@nyc.rr.com
I’m excited to invite you for a book reading & signing of
Travelling Directions for Women by author, human services leader & CEO founder of
747 Seminars, Dr Sharon Cadiz. Be Wild Woman is featured in her book! In one chapter she talks about her work with Be Wild Woman & how working with me empowered her to access awareness, relaxation & freedom within her body.
I loved her book & am delighted to share this oasis, port-of-call experience with you.
I will be transforming Be Wild Woman into a sensuous oasis for you to retreat from the mundane hustle & bustle & luxuriate in your life’s journey, complete with rose petals, soothing sounds & aromatic herbal teas.
Dr. Cadiz believes that so often women get the implicit message that life is a series of events: birth, marriage, childbirth, graduation, etc. and she contends that life is more like a journey with different paths; traveling instructions; and “roads”, around and through to give experiences and opportunities to make choices. She invites you to come and learn more about Traveling Directions so that you can have the fullest expression of your magnificient gifts and important life. She is partnering with Be Wild Woman which is featured in the book, and wants to show that connecting with other women and using our shared strengths, strengthens us all.
I love how she takes us on a journey through life experiences we can relate to as women & compresses deep wisdom into simple travel directions.
Here’s the endorsement I contributed to her book:
“As children we love to travel to magical lands. As women we still dream of travelling one-way, first class to places such as Tahiti, Venice or Paris. Sharon Cadiz evokes the traveller in us to awaken to life’s journey today. Tuck your Travel Directions into your bag. Get ready for takeoff.”
Kiana Love~ Healer & Founder of Be Wild Woman
About Sharon:
Dr. Sharon Cadiz is the CEO and originator of 747 Seminars. She is a dynamic leader in the field of human services and utilizes her years of experience in the fields of child development, addiction treatment, mental health, domestic violence, interpersonal trauma, cultural competence and life skills development to inform her efforts to counterbalance the effects of many common problems that stifle individuals and groups.
Dr. Cadiz uses a simple technology to awaken those who sleep-walk through their days; creating lives, organizations and settings that are stuck and unable to launch plans for better results.
If you or your group needs help in managing change, addressing stress and burn-out, or getting to the next level, contact 747 Seminars. We can provide customized training; workshops; presentations; keynotes, individual face-to-face or telephone consultations, assistance with meeting and conference planning; as well as access to an array of experts in complementary therapies and other specialties.
Sharon about Be Wild Woman!
I was introduced to Be Wild Woman and Kiana Love in a lovely, quaint herbal shop where I attended a “wombing” circle along with a small group of other women. My initial reserve gave way to an experience that I found wholly unexpected. I arrived with a slight pain or ache in my left hip region. This nagging discomfort probably echoed my anxiety about what to expect from this group session that I was drawn to. As Kiana began and the event unfolded, I was paired with Kiana for a “hands-on” experience that included deep relaxation, breathing, a hip opening yoga-like pose; accompanied by her healing words and a body scan. As the recipient of this experience, I cannot detail the particular skills that she used. I can only say that the experience was one that created a deep sense of relaxed awareness and profound safety; elements that appeared to have alleviated the pain with which I arrived. Subsequent sessions with Kiana varied, but there was always a deep sense of peace and safety that revealed to me rooted feelings that were brought into my awareness. Breathing was something that transitioned me from the hurried pace of a “story” into other levels of consciousness that gave me access to feeling states and brought me into my body to explore sensations that accompanied the feelings. Together, the feelings and sensations unlocked doorways to experiences of freedom and liberation in the mind, body and spirit. I would recommend Kiana and her work with Be Wild Woman for women who are seeing evidence of a troubled condition of mind, body and spirit. This may be the woman struggling with any number of different lifecycle events; early trauma, loss or crisis. The results are empowering because she models kindness and gentleness for the feminine psyche and how it is sourced from Nature. Her recommendations about herbs and plants provide education in how to gain support from Nature and to see, in a parallel way, the many ways that “rooting” can help to achieve or retain stability when we connect and appropriately “mother” ourselves. I believe that seekers will find, through Kiana’s work, that the “wildness” is an expression of the essential nature of women when they are unhindered by fear and can safety blossom into their full beauty and multidimensional nature. Dr. Sharon M. Cadiz, 747 Seminars