Solstice Stocking Stuffer Sunday, Dec. 23rd—My gifts to you!

Twas the day before Christmas and all through the land anticipation was stirring with desires galore. Stockings were hung with care…and I can’t wait to celebrate & gift joy. I am excited to be sharing the joy I feel with you this holiday. Lets celebrate Solstice, Yule, Christmas, LIFE!   Lets start this new era, this…

Healing Resources for Surviving Sandy : how to help & get help

Here in NYC & on the East Coast we are in recovery mode.  Its time for us to come together, re-root, heal & reclaim our safe secure ground.  Here are some resources for you.   Please remember that recovery starts with your self care. Be Wild Woman: love your body, love your life. Free Healing After…

Cosmic Womb Celebration Tomorrow: Claim Your Wild Power

Join me tomorrow Wednesday, October 24th to culminate our 9 Day: Growing Wild with Divine Mother journey with a ritual & celebration. Support Wild Woman’s intention to create sanctuary for women to express their wildness and bring your powerful intention for us to support. She’s calling us at Navaratri to claim our bodies as sacred,…

Wild Woman Calls You to Claim Your Wild Power with Divine Mother

This is the message I received as I sat in my morning practice today listening deep within to Wild Woman.  She’s calling us at Navaratri to claim our bodies as sacred, the divine as our mother & receive the wild power that is our birthright.  Click here to join us & answer Wild Woman’s call….