Be Wild Presents Bringing Back the Wild Sunday March 11th

much drinking and celebrating is done for St Patrick who drove the serpents, the pagans, the wild from Ireland.
Its time to bring back the wildness, the indomitable force that lies waiting for us to call it forth.

join us, Teeni Dakini & Kiana Love, as we invoke the celtic goddesses and reclaim the wild goddess that lives within.

The serpent while vilified, is an archaic symbol of change,transformation and rebirth. From the indian yogic philosophy, Kundalini Shakti, divine femine energy, is depicted as a serpent that rests at the base of the spine. When awakened vital life force undulates up the spine

5-8:30 women only [ followed by coed gathering 8:30-10:30 details below]

activities include

* Belly Dancing**Kundalini Meditation** Sacred Body Painting*

Come in your wild serpent best or find something to wear in the Be Wild wardrobe.
We will be having a potluck so bring something to eat and drink to share

after coed gathering

men may come to honour the goddess at the invitation of a goddess (one per attendee) or come with a goddess. men must rsvp.
and are requested to bring an offering for the goddess…flowers, sweets, song, etc

to register or for more information call 917 453-3663 or email
fulton and cumberland fort green brooklyn (exact address provided upon registration)
for more info on be wild go to
for more information on teeni dakini go to
for more info on Kiana Love got to

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