Illuminate the Voice Within: Featuring Artist Lena Young

Be Wild Woman Presents: Illuminate the Voice Within:  Art Viewing for Your Contemplation. Featuring Artist Lena Young —Revealing the Beauty of her Healing Journey Saturday May 23rd, 1-4pm Be Wild Woman~ 230 W 72nd st Suite 2R Free with RSVP.  Email “Each piece of artwork represents my own healing process as I learned about…

The “natural makeup” look…NOT! Amy Schumer parody gets it right

Don’t let the “natural” look oppress you.  This parody  “Girl You Don’t Need Makeup  from Amy Schumer gets it right.   The natural you is not in the products or clothes you buy. It’s under the concealer, powder, blush, perfect curls, blow out, perfect smile. Can you look in the mirror and love her? Makeup can…

Wild Woman New Moon : Red Tent — Love Your Body– May,17, 2015

When: Sunday May 17th 1-4p Where: 230 W 72nd st #2R Advance Tickets: $20  click here for tickets At door: $30  (limited tickets) Wild Woman calls you.  She invites you to celebrate your cycles and realign with nature at the new moon …with art, healing, yoga, journaling, food, nurturing, pampering and women-power! She beckons you to…

Come Celebrate Wild Woman Red Tent – Spring Equinox

Join me for a Wild Woman Red Tent and celebrate the blooming of spring at the new moon. It’s time to fling open the doors as spring awakens.Enter into wild woman sanctuary. Come together to nurture your belly, womb and heart. Rest, journal, express, create, share stories and sink into safe space to heal.Bring something…