Come Celebrate Wild Woman Red Tent – Spring Equinox

Join me for a Wild Woman Red Tent and celebrate the blooming of spring at the new moon. It’s time to fling open the doors as spring awakens.Enter into wild woman sanctuary. Come together to nurture your belly, womb and heart. Rest, journal, express, create, share stories and sink into safe space to heal.Bring something delicious and nourishing to share.
There will be teas, fruit and snacks to nourish you.For your creative pleasure there will be art supplies; paper, crayons, pencils, pastels, sissors, etcFor your sensory delight there will be a nurture your body station with massage tools, essential oils, lotion.

We will open up the outside patio and sit in our wild secret garden. Can’t wait to celebrate spirng with you!

♥ Kiana

Click here to register, space is limited:
$15 in advance
$25 at the door

Be Wild Woman is a healing sanctuary that empowers women to feel at home in their bodies, safe nurtured and loved.

At Be Wild Woman, healer Kiana Love partners with a woman in deep experiential work where she is seen, heard, and acknowledged. Kiana use various exercises, tools and modalities of bioenergetics, breath work, chakra healing, reflexology, meditation and yoga, body mindfulness and guided relaxation to create an experience of deep safety and acceptance in a woman’s body.  Mrs Love also offers group programs, workshops and circles for women. She’s available for lectures, workshops, intuitive readings, rituals, space clearings and blessings.

About Kiana Love960214_10151822588727881_241975824_n
Kiana Love, founder of Be Wild Woman, holds a B.S. in Behavioral Science from the University of Houston, and has certifications in body mind healings. She is a Reiki Master, Integrative Energy Therapy Instructor, Sacred Centers Chakra Teacher and Healer, and Vinyasa Yoga Teacher. Kiana draws from her personal healing journey, studies of the feminine, sacred sexuality, creativity and energy healing to empower women to feel at home in their bodies, safe, nurtured and loved.

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