Tune out the media and tune in to your BBC~your body’s broadcasting corp

The media erodes women’s self esteem. Teenage girls feel they have to be thin like the women they see on tv, movies, and magazines to be attractive. These two articles illustrate the media’s power to influence our self esteem. The best way for us to counter these effects is to start prioritizing our own body’s…

My Veiled Musings under a Gemini Moon

My Veiled Musings by Kiana Love —————— Veil——————- ———-Gossamer, ephemeral——– —-Unfolding, allowing, revealing—– Mystery, mist, strength, foundation— ——Tumbling, sinking, resting——– ————-Solid, anchored————- —————— Stone——————– I wrote this inner muse poem Tuesday evening at my friend Deborah Roth’s gemini new moon circle.   I put it into a note so you can see the diamond shape…